Corpboot – Corporate Website WordPress Theme
Corpboot is a responsive WordPress Theme, fully customizable, created for websites of services companies, consulting, lawyers, psychologists, doctors, medical, dentists, engineers, accountants, marketing services, economists, executives, and all kind of companies engaged in providing professional services.
About the images
The online samples images belongs to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.
If you need support, please send us a ticket using our support ticket system.
We usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue.
Main features:
- Cross-Browser Support
- Fully responsive
- MailChimp integration
- Visual Composer included
- Easy Tables for Visual Composer included
- Contact Form 7 plugin integration
- Translation ready
- 21 Powerful theme shortcodes
- Google Maps
- Posts slider section
- 3 Footer widget columns
- Loading animations
- Scroll to top option
- Slideshow with fade effect
- Background video layout
- Carousel for clients and partners logos
- Portfolio with Mixitup filter
- Lightbox
- Based on Bootstrap
- Pricing Page (4 and 3 columns)
- 404 Error page
- Multi page
- Custom CSS & JS option
- Well formatted and commented code
- Documentation included
- Professional and fast support!